3 Signs that make a good leader
Put your employees first and remember to:
Love the people that work for you: people are looking for emotions and purpose
Develop trust: in a less hierarchical and virtual environment you need to develop trust to have things done
Connect with your employees by showing your humanity, involving others, and be open to learning from them
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O poder da ficção
Paralelamente, para que seja possível reequilibrar-se é fundamental que o líder aprenda a desconectar-se, ao mesmo tempo que encontra fontes alternativas de inspiração. Uma das formas que recentemente ganhou relevância e visibilidade (e que eu própria subscrevo) é o Mindfullness. Contudo, e independentemente dos seus inegáveis benefícios, existem outras técnicas para lá do Mindfulness, sendo que neste artigo gostaria de me debruçar sobre a leitura de livros de ficção.
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Change your career
When thinking about changing career focus on your experience, professionalism, network, and what you can bring to the organization.
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What makes work meaningful, ranging from a personal to ecosystem analysis
A very interesting study on what makes work meaningful, ranging from a personal to ecosystem analysis.
Interesting to point that ‘avoiding the destruction of meaning while nurturing an ecosystem generative of feelings of meaningfulness emerged as the key leadership challenge.’
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Are you developing skills that won't be automated?
Using emotion and understand the context are human characteristics that are hard to be replicated by machines.
Those are also the ones that support critical thinking, communication, and creativity, the most sought after in job candidates.
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